You may want to do it all, have it all and be it all, but at some point, life catches up with you. Substance dependency – whether drugs or alcohol – can seem inevitable when the pressures of work and travel collide with a busy social or family life, with the need for personal growth also added to the mix.
At NADclinic, our mission is to ‘be your best self’, and a huge part of that is enhancing your health, wellness and performance without compromising on your lifestyle choices. Whether you’ve been living with your addiction for some time, or find your recovery newly at risk in these unprecedented times, we’re here to share our top tips for staying sober during the covid-19 lockdown.
Build your support network
In coronavirus-caused isolation, it’s easy to feel cut off from the rest of the world and have to cope with increasing feelings of loneliness, stress and even boredom. Being unable to socialise with friends and family, and having less human contact, are inevitable parts of this pandemic and can take its toll – and if you’ve been part of a recovery program with regular group meetings, it’s likely you’ll no longer have the support of these to see you through. Engage with friends and family as often as you can (for a distraction if nothing else), and consider online support groups or video meetings to connect with others in the same situation. You can also talk to us about remote counselling.
Celebrate small victories
During the pandemic, it can feel like all the days blend into one, with no sense of where one ends and the next begins. Alternatively, it can feel like every minute is dragging by. In short, coronavirus lockdown has made all sense of time go out of the window. In normal circumstances, it’s easy to count and celebrate each daily milestone – and it’s something to keep at during the covid-19 quarantine. Whether you choose an app, daily diary, mark on the calendar or mental tally, it could be just the thing to keep you on track.
Establish a routine
As tedious as it may seem, a routine is a great way to keep you on task with your sober goals and to ensure your mind and methods stay focused. It could be as simple as setting a wake-up call or bedtime curfew, or as in-depth as a timetable of activities. Knowing exactly what the day’s going to bring can help you better navigate more difficult periods – for instance, if you’ve always had a drink after your evening meal, you can designate the time to pursuing a hobby or interest instead.
Practise self-care
Diet, exercise, sleep, cleanliness: they all count towards self-care and, when neglected, can put you at risk of slipping up on your sobriety and regressing to ‘old ways’. When you stop taking care of yourself, you arguably stop caring for yourself altogether. In unprecedented situations such as this pandemic, where worries about the health of family and friends often top your list, you become your last priority – and it’s dangerous territory for your recovery.
Detox with NADclinic
Don’t wait until you hit rock bottom before you decide to do something about it. Whether you’ve recently been struggling with your recovery, or have been actively dependent for a while, treatment is your best option. At NADclinic, we do detox differently. We can offer an in-patient or out-patient IV Infusion Program and, on particular programs, the support of a Life Transforming Coach to manage stress, depression and anger, with an approach that centres on identifying those triggers that can cause relapse. Each infusion is uniquely tailored to you and your body, and is powered by NAD+, the ‘miracle molecule’, which galvanises metabolism and affects a number of bodily processes – from ageing to cognitive functioning.
Why NADclinic?
It’s well-documented that NADclinic’s CEO, Iain de Havilland, co-founded the highly successful Step 1 Recover rehabilitation centre group. In addition, NAD+ is known to benefit the brain, with levels depleted through alcohol and drug consumption. When levels of NAD+ decrease, levels of neurotoxins increase, which can have a knock-on effect to mental clarity and functioning. Finally, our detox programs are high-potency and nutritionally-based, bespoke to your body, and can help with:
- Elimination of physical cravings
- Enhanced clarity and mental focus
- Cardiovascular and liver benefits
- Stress relief and neuroprotection
Contact us
To find out more about us, our detox programs, and how to book – even during a pandemic – get in touch here with our expert team today.