What is Sober October?
Sober October encourages people to go booze-free in October to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Not only is it a great cause to get behind, but by giving up alcohol even just temporarily, you can do wonders for your overall health and wellbeing.
If you’ve been considering an alcohol detox, here are just a few reasons why your body will thank you.
Benefits of an alcohol detox
Better quality sleep and improved sleep patterns
When we drink excessively we can pass out which may lead you to believe that alcohol helps you sleep. However, that isn’t the case. When we drink alcohol we actually get a poorer quality sleep. After all, who wakes up feeling refreshed after a heavy night of alcohol? When we drink, we tend to fall straight into a deep sleep, missing the important rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. While you are supposed to have between six and seven cycles of REM sleep a night, you typically only have one or two when you’ve been drinking.
It’s thought that giving up alcohol can give you an extra five to six REM cycles whilst you’re sleeping. REM sleep is when you do most of your dreaming but experts also say that it’s incredibly important for learning, memory and mood.
Increased energy levels and mental clarity
Better sleep will lead to an increase in energy levels and better mental clarity. Giving up alcohol can also help you keep well hydrated, which is in turn beneficial for your brain, helping to stabilise your mood and concentration.
Better weight management
We know that alcohol is just empty calories. Our body doesn’t get any nutritional benefit from alcohol but the calories still count. To put it into perspective, a 750ml bottle of red wine has between 600-750 calories in it. Let’s be honest, we can easily go through 2-3 a week out with friends or at home with our partner. By giving up those 3 bottles you’re reducing your calorie intake by around 2,250 per week.
Brighter skin and healthier hair
Alcohol dehydrates the skin and can cause your wrinkles and pores to be more visible. Over time, alcohol causes your skin to lose it’s natural plumpness and healthy glow leaving you with a dull complexion. Drinking also lowers antioxidant defenses in your skin and that makes it more susceptible to things like sun damage and free radicals.
But after just seven days of cutting out the booze, your skin will have a dewy, healthier look and a youthful glow due to restored hydration. And your hair will feel and look healthier too!
Detox with NADclinic
If you’re looking to quit alcohol, either temporarily or permanently, we can help. Our NAD+ Alcohol Detox Infusion Program works almost immediately to curb cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms that often come hand-in-hand with detox programs. Amazingly, 90% of our clients agree that our detox program helped reduce their cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
The first part of our detox program involves a consultation with our Medical Director and a comprehensive blood screening, which helps us get a picture of your state of health. When it comes to the treatment itself, you’ll have the option of being in-patient or out-patient, and we can also provide a 24-hour chaperone service with a qualified nurse.
We use the power of NAD+, along with other vitamins and nutrients to flush toxins out of your body and leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated.
Find out more about our NAD+ alcohol detox IV drip therapy by contacting the clinic.