FAQ's About NAD+ & NADclinic

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NAD+ IV 治疗是门诊治疗。不过,我们可以为您推荐哈雷街医疗区当地的高品质酒店和服务式公寓。此外,我们还可以为所有 5-10 天的国内外治疗项目提供完全合格的 24 小时陪护。
我们采用专有的 NAD+ IV 方案治疗以下疾病--抗衰老、优化执行力、抗疲劳、排毒与维护、大脑修复、定制 NAD+ IV 方案、戒酒。
成瘾是一种改变大脑化学结构的慢性疾病。通过 NAD+ 恢复正常的大脑生物化学有助于戒除毒瘾。我们的 NAD+ 方案可补充因药物滥用而耗尽的大脑营养。

客户会发现对酒精的渴望明显减少,饮酒的欲望明显降低或消失。我们的治疗有助于恢复头脑清醒,稳定焦虑和情绪。这有助于客户摆脱酒精,将戒断症状降至最低。一旦戒毒并不再饮酒,NADclinic 的专家团队可以推荐您接受我们的成瘾心理学家提供的专业咨询,这也是我们后续护理流程的一部分。

大多数成年人都适合进行 NAD+ 静脉注射,但这需要咨询我们的医务主任。

  • 活动性癌症患者不接受 NAD+ 静脉输注
  • 如果您已怀孕,我们将不对您进行 NAD+ 静脉输注。
您可以在线或在诊所付款。我们接受大多数主要信用卡和借记卡,以及本地和国际银行转账至我们的巴克莱银行账户。我们也接受现金支付,但如果您计划支付超过 2,000 英镑的现金,请提前告知管理团队。
NADclinic 的故事和品牌由南非领先的 NAD+ 静脉注射疗法创始人、英国商业投资者和企业家以及一支由专业医生、护士和专业后台工作人员组成的团队共同启发和创建。NADclinic 专注于细胞年轻化,主要推广个人优化疗法,以及通过静脉注射 NAD+ 和辅助疗法治疗慢性疲劳、压力和焦虑、抗衰老和成瘾等疾病。

30 多年来,我们的南非专业研发团队一直是 NAD+ 细胞优化、抗衰老、排毒和恢复疗法的先驱。我们与 Alclin Pty Ltd SA 合作,生产市场上最纯净的 NAD+ 产品。我们所有的自主品牌 NAD+ IV 和 NAD+ 补充剂都是在我们先进的 GMP 和 FDA 批准的南澳生产设施中,按照 FDA 批准的严格合规和测试程序生产的。Alclin Pty Ltd 和 NADclinic 合作,每年生产并提供超过 10,000 次 NAD+ IV 治疗。没有已知的副作用。
NAD+ is an abbreviation of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide. NAD+ is found in all living cells. This miracle co-factor molecule is essential in promoting cellular regeneration, metabolising food into energy, fighting illness, helping to prevent ageing and even repairing damaged DNA. NAD is as important to our bodies as oxygen. Without it we would die. It is the building block of a healthy body that the brain, our internal organs, and neurological systems require to function. As we age, and also succumb to the stresses and strains of everyday life, our NAD+ levels decline. NAD+ IV Infusions are administered directly into your blood circulation so that cells have access to as much NAD as they need. A significant increase in NAD+ levels helps to restore brain functionality, promoting increased clarity of mind, better problem-solving ability, improved focus, concentration, increased energy, improvement in mood, and decreasing stress & anxiety levels.
Iain serves as the founder and global CEO of the NADclinic Group of companies. His passion is for discovering ways to enhance human health, wellness and performance without compromising on lifestyle choices. In short, Iain looks for ways to help us ”live well longer” and improve on our ROT (Return on Time). An investor and entrepreneur, Iain set up the NADclinic Group after discovering NAD+ IV and the extraordinary and numerous ways this ‘miracle molecule’ can enhance performance. He was first introduced to the pioneering South African scientific team who invented the protocol after co-founding the successful Step 1 Recover rehabilitation centre group; he is now excited to focus on developing the NADclinic Group and brand. “I am in search of the answers to helping people live well longer and be their best self.”

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