NAD+ Alcohol Detox & Hangover IV Therapy | NADclinic

Signature Detox IV Programme

Curb the cravings, walk through the withdrawal and double-down on the detox to overcome your addiction. Over 90% of our clients agree our programme works.

Includes: NAD+, Glutathione

Duration: 5 Sessions, 120 min per session

Price: R 20 700

Our Program Charges Your Willpower & Cleans Your Body

Signature Detox IV Programme

Duration - 5 Sessions, 120 min per session Price from R 20 700

Probably the most successful detoxification program available today with a reliable 90% success rate and a cost and duration a fraction of that typically charged by rehabilitation centres.

Take Control Of Your Health

Our busy modern lives can sometimes get the better of us, leaving us in need of a detox. Whether you feel you're functioning well or not, alcohol dependency can cause a build-up of neurotoxins in our brains, depleting levels of NAD+ – which is crucial for providing mental clarity and for cognitive functioning.

Our NAD+ Alcohol Detox Infusion Programme works almost immediately to curb cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms that often come hand-in-hand with detox programs.

Nutritionally-based, medically-supervised, and running 5-7 days, our programme can help you rest and reset, getting you back to your old self again.

A New You

Wanting to quit a dependency takes as much willpower as it does time, but it helps to know that 90% of our clients agree that our detox program helped reduce their cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Our South African team have pioneered our detox programs for over 30 years, changing thousands of lives in the process and helping our clients achieve long-term recovery and optimal health. We offer programs both in Cape Town and London.

The first part of our detox program involves a consultation with our Medical Director and a comprehensive blood screening, which helps us get a picture of your state of health. When it comes to the therapy itself, you'll have the option of being in-patient or out-patient, and we can also provide a 24-hour chaperone service with a qualified Nurse.

During and following your therapy plan, we can help you identify any underlying problems or causes that could lead to relapse, helping make the process as smooth as possible.x

Why Choose NADclinic

Many alcohol withdrawal treatments involve using a type of medication called benzodiazepine. However, research shows that these reduce certain chemicals in the brain, which are often referred to as ''happy chemicals''. At the same time, the effects of another chemical, the neurotoxic glutamate, are enhanced. The result is that many patients feel stressed and anxious even after treatment has ended, and can sometimes relapse.

Part of our therapy involves topping up levels of NAD+ in the body, which helps negate the effects of glutamate, which in turn helps relieve feelings of stress and anxiety.

Finally, it's worth remembering that 90% of our clients agree our detox program helped reduce their cravings and withdrawal symptoms.


Eliminate physical & mental cravings

Enhance clarity and mental focus

Promote cardiovascular and liver benefits

View All Our Infusions

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