Long COVID IV Infusion Programme | NADclinic

Debilitating Virus IV Therapy Programme

In 10 high-intensity sessions customised to your body, we replenish your NAD+ levels, repair any cellular damage, and help your body develop a better immune response to a viral attack.

Duration: 10 sessions

Price: R 15 750

Our Program Fights the Symptoms of Debilitating Infections

NAD+, as an emerging regulator of immune responses during viral infections, may be a promising therapeutic target for viral infections. Find out more about our pioneering IV therapy for viral infections and reboot yourself.

Debilitating Virus IV Therapy Programme

Duration - 10 sessions Price from R 15 750

Replenish your NAD+ levels after a debilitating viral infection, repair cellular damage and help your body develop a better immune response to a viral attack.

The Effects of Debilitating Viral Infections

Debilitating viral infection refers to symptoms, limitations and health disorders that persist - usually after a severe or intensive sickness. This is the time period immediately after the convalescence phase (usually up to 12 weeks after the onset of the disease). A distinction is made between the viral infection phase up to 12 weeks after the disease and the viral syndrome, which is still present thereafter.

Numerous studies describe chronic fatigue as the leading infection symptom. Viral infections can manifest themselves as fatigue, stress intolerance, listlessness, and impaired memory or lack of concentration. In rarer cases, depression, sleep disturbances and impaired physical, as well as mental, performance can be observed.

Viral Presence as energy thief

Recent studies suspect that the causes of debilitating symptoms are due to a persistence of the virus or viral components even long after the disease. Using molecular genetic testing techniques, viral persistence has been demonstrated in various organs in patients. Often patients do not have an adequate immune response and their antibody levels are relatively low.

Scientific approach

NADclinic's Debilitating Virus IV programme is built around the results of your initial blood test. We screen the activity, efficiency, and health of your mitochondria. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells. They give our medical team clues about the causes of your debilitating symptoms. Read more about our Mitochondrial Test.


Reduce debilitating symptoms

Increase energy and strength

Reduce fatigue

Improve mental and physical performance.

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