When we think of hair loss, we tend to automatically think of it as a men’s problem. However, women are nearly as likely to lose, or have thinning, hair. Most women notice it in their 50s or 60s, but it can happen at any age and for a variety of reasons.
The hair growth cycle
Hair grows in three different cycles: anagen, catagen, and telogen. About 90% of the hair on the head is in the anagen, or growth phase, which lasts anywhere from 2-8 years. The catagen, or transition phase, typically lasts 2-3 weeks, during which the hair follicle shrinks. During the telogen cycle, which lasts around 2-4 months, the hair rests. There is another phase called the exogen phase which is essentially an extension or a part of the telogen stage of hair growth. During the exogen phase, hair is shed from the scalp, often helped along by washing and brushing. Losing 50 to 100 hairs per day during the exogen phase is normal. During the exogen phase, which can last about 2 to 5 months, new hairs are growing in the follicles as old hairs fall away.
Most common reasons for female hair loss
Like a lot of health related issues, female hair loss can simply be down to genetics. Androgenetic alopecia is a hereditary condition that is one of the most common reasons for female hair loss. Although it mostly occurs in the late 50s or 60s, it can happen at any time, even during teenage years. It’s caused by old hair being replaced by thinner and finer hair before the hair follicles continue to shrink and eventually, they stop growing altogether. If your mother, grandmother or aunt has suffered from hair loss and now you are too, it could be simply genetics.
Medical conditions
There are various medical conditions that can cause or contribute to female hair loss. Some of the most common conditions include thyroid disorders, anaemia, autoimmune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and skin conditions such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Pregnancy can also cause hair loss in some women.
Specific hairstyles and treatment of hair
Things such as extensions, hair dyes, chemical treatments, bad brushes, hair dryers, and overuse of straighteners can result in damage and breakage. Additionally, too tight styles such as braids, brushing too much and towel drying aggressively when the hair is wet can all lead to traction alopecia in the long term.
Hair analysis at NADclinic
If you’re a woman suffering from hair loss, we can help. Hair loss can be a stressful and tense time for those going through it but by getting to the bottom of what is causing your hair loss, we can save you time and money on ineffective treatments that may work for others but not you. Our hair analysis is 99.9% accurate and can give you the answers you’ve been looking for. Hair is unique to each individual which is why when you come to NADclinic for hair analysis, you’ll receive a fully customised treatment plan with the hair loss services we offer. Our hair loss treatments include PRP injections and IV therapy for hair loss. The results of your hair analysis will inform the treatment option we recommend. Contact us at NADclinic for help with your hair loss.