
How alcohol affects the brain, according to Harvard Medical School

Alcohol Affects The Brain

How does alcohol make you feel? Happier? Calmer? Friendlier? The truth is, we enjoy the effect alcohol has on us – and, in moderation, studies prove there are few ill effects*. But what about if you drink too much, too often?

A surprising study

According to Harvard Medical School, one 30-year study at the University of Oxford found that, over time, the more people drank, the more the hippocampus – the area of the brain associated with reasoning and memory – shrank, affecting cognitive performance:

Those who had the equivalent of four or more drinks a day had almost six times the risk of hippocampal shrinkage as did nondrinkers, while moderate drinkers had three times the risk. – Harvard Medical School

Further evidence

Apparently, this isn’t the first time that this link had been tested. An earlier study, from 2001, found that the actual volume of the brain shrank in proportion to the amount of alcohol consumed – though, incredibly, the brain was able to recover somewhat if the drinking stopped, making it hard to gauge the long-term effect on brain health.

Atrophy (shrinkage) was greater even in light and moderate drinkers than in teetotalers…but the meaning of the MRI scans is still far from clear. – Harvard Medical School

Alcohol: pros & cons

Finally, Harvard was quick to highlight some of the positives and negatives of moderate drinking, including:

  • Improved heart health (for instance, reduced risk of heart attack)
  • Lower risk of gallstones and diabetes
  • Psychological and social benefits
  • Increased lifetime risk of breast cancer


Detoxing with NAD+ IV Therapy

In our own research, we’ve discovered NAD+, a form of the natural NAD molecule found in all our cells, has huge benefits for brain health and for detoxification. With alcohol dependency, levels of NAD are depleted; in addition, typical alcohol detox programs, which use benzodiazepine to manage withdrawal, increase a stress-inducing chemical and decrease mood-boosting chemicals.

NAD+ IV Therapy can negate the effects of this stress-inducing chemical – glutamate – while restoring mental and cognitive function.

How our alcohol IV drips can help

High in potency and rich in nutrients, our alcohol IV drips are packed with vitamins B & C, pabrinex, and antioxidant glutathione. They can:

  • Eliminate of physical cravings
  • Enhance clarity and mental focus
  • Benefit the liver and heart
  • Provide stress relief and neuroprotection


Plus, there are two programs to choose from – whether you’re based in London, South Africa, or anywhere else in the world. Our NAD+ Alcohol Detox IV Infusions Program is our standard, popular alcohol detox option, while our new NAD+ Advanced Alcohol Detox IV Infusions Program has extra benefits – such as one-to-one sessions with your very own Life Transformation Coach, Falk Winter.

Enjoy effective recovery with NAD+

If you feel it’s time to try an alcohol detox, look no further. With a 90% success rate among our clients, our alcohol IV drip can help you overcome your addiction, once and for all.

Book now >


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