A Harvard research team recently released a paper recommending NAD+ to boost the immune system of seniors as a preventive against COVID-19. The paper is currently undergoing peer review but recommends that “elderly COVID-19 patients should be given anti-ageing drugs to make their immune systems “younger” so they can fight the virus faster—before it wreaks havoc on their lungs and other organs.”
It’s widely known that age has played a huge role in the severity of COVID-19 in patients, and indeed this is true of most viruses. It’s why the vaccine rollout focused initially on those over 80 years old and is why in the UK, this demographic is offered a free flu vaccine every year.
How NAD+ can help our immune system protect us from viruses
NAD+ is essential to many cell functions, including numerous aspects of stress resistance and pathogen defence. However, our NAD+ levels naturally decline as we age meaning we’re less able to protect ourselves from viruses.
The Harvard researchers are therefore theorising that NAD+ boosters could help give the elderly a younger immune system, which would recognise, respond, and clear viruses such as COVID-19 before they are likely to become life-threatening.
Clinical trials are also currently underway to see how effective NAD+ IV therapy is at treating the effects of long COVID – something around 20% of those who have contracted COVID-19 are thought to suffer from.
The importance of a strong immune system
Our immune system is such an important part of our health. It protects us from illness, bugs, viruses and any other intrusions. But while it does a great job, it’s not impenetrable.
As we age, the way our body functions begins to decline. And our immune system is no exception. When we get older our immune system tends to recognise and respond to pathogens more slowly and to be overwhelmed by chronic inflammation. So an older and therefore slower immune system gives viruses time to replicate and cause more serious disease in our bodies.
There is also some evidence that cold weather makes our immune system less able to fight infection. Which means as we head into autumn/winter our immune system could do with all the help it can get.
NAD+ therapy to boost immunity
Our immune booster IV therapy is a specially formulated IV fusion that is designed to help fortify your immune system and leave you feeling healthy, energised and more able to fight off common winter bugs and viruses.
Our immune boosting NAD+ therapy contains NAD+, essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids with a strong dose of the body’s most powerful antioxidant, glutathione, to really deter illness. Get in touch with the clinic to find out more +44 (0) 2079351155 / info@nadclnic.com