
High-Risk Drinkers On The Up

In a June article, the non-profit organisation shared some startling observations and data about the link between the pandemic and alcohol consumption, declaring that ‘’too much alcohol is making the ongoing health crisis worse’’. Here are their key findings:

What is NAD+?

In a June article, the non-profit organisation shared some startling observations and data about the link between the pandemic and alcohol consumption, declaring that ‘’too much alcohol is making the ongoing health crisis worse’’. Here are their key findings:

  • The country has had an increase of alcohol sales, by 54%
  • 16% of adults are drinking more during the pandemic
  • Alcohol ‘’can also lead to harmful interactions with prescription drugs’’
  • Alcohol addicts have ‘’compromised immune systems, reducing the body’s ability to fight off infectious diseases such as covid-19’’

The article cited possible causes, including an increase in isolation and remote working, which they say fuels loneliness and boredom, known as being triggers for excessive alcohol use. It also revealed that excessive drinking increases the risk of a number of other health concerns, from mental conditions such as depression, to high blood pressure, liver disease and even cancer.

Across the pond here in the UK, King’s College London reported that nearly a third of people are reporting that they have drunk more alcohol during the pandemic than they normally would. The same study showed that 43% of people in the UK ‘’have felt more lonely than usual’’ and 35% have postponed treatments unrelated to the disease.

How can we harness NAD+?

Just last month, the broadcasting and news corporation published an article declaring that ‘’’soaring alcohol misuse’ could overwhelm service’’ in the UK, citing data from the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Key points included:

  • The number of people drinking at higher-risk levels almost doubled between February and June this year, from 4.8m to 8.4m
  • There was a 20% increase in new cases at the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System
  • Social isolation is a driving factor behind using alcohol as a coping mechanism

The article stated that ‘’people with alcohol use disorder are more likely to develop serious complications if they catch covid-19’’, and highlighted that ‘’[the pandemic shows] how stretched, under-resourced and ill-equipped addiction services are’’.

How can NAD+ help boost immunity?

Also known as ‘Texas Tech’ and ‘TTU’, the American public research university drew conclusions between the struggle of recovering from addiction with the struggle of living through a pandemic. Here are their main points:

  • Recovery involves reducing stress – something which has increased due to the pandemic
  • Of the alcohol sales mentioned by AHA, sale of beer multipacks increased by 90%, individual wine bottles by 66% and ready-to-drink cocktails by 75%
  • Feelings of ‘’irritability, anxiety, fear, sadness, anger or boredom’’ could both trigger a relapse or ‘’intensify consumption’’

The article also stressed the importance that eating well, exercising regularly and maintain a sleep schedule could have on keeping you healthy.

How our NAD+ specialists can help

What treatments are available?

We know that alcohol and prescription drug addiction is more than a simple detox. That’s why we can offer a holistic approach, and put you in touch with professionals who can support your recovery through identifying potential triggers, and working on processing ‘negative’ emotions, such as anger.

Book today

A one-size-fits-all approach just doesn’t work for addiction detox – and that’s even more obvious during a pandemic. For instance, clinics can close and travel can become restricted, which is why we our NAD+ specialists offer out-patient treatment from the comfort of your home, or a concierge service to take you door-to-door if you prefer to see us in-house.

3. Private care, tailored to you

Through NAD+ IV Infusions, our NAD+ specialists can deliver the detox your body needs, which works in sync with your systems to take you through withdrawal and beyond. We recognise that we’re in a unique position to help take some of the strain off vital services, such as addiction charities and the NHS.

4. Healthy sister treatments

We don’t just offer alcohol detox treatments – we’re committed to a mission of helping you ‘be your best self’. That’s why we offer a range of complementary vitamin injections and vitamin drips that work to reset sleep, boost energy, enhance body and mind, and even target signs of ageing. It’s all thanks to NAD+, the ‘miracle molecule’ that aids cell metabolism; read more about it here.

Book today

If you’re in the midst of an alcohol or prescription drug addiction, don’t worry- we can help . Even during this covid pandemic, we can still offer both bookings at our clinic near Harley Street, and out-patient treatments, with NAD+ delivered by NAD+ specialists. To start your treatment and secure your vitamin drips and vitamin injections, get in touch with us today.


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