
Can you slow down ageing in your 40’s?

If you’ve hit your 40’s and you find yourself often googling ways to slow down ageing, in this article, we’re going to provide you with proven ways of staying as youthful as possible. Of course, it is natural for the body to age and as a result, you’ll notice many physical changes. However, this doesn’t mean to say you can’t slow things down and even convince a few people you’re 5 years younger! 


Let’s take a look at how you can slow down your ageing in your 40’s and keep yourself looking and feeling in your prime: 

1. Exercise regularly

If you aren’t exercising already, it’s time to incorporate some daily activity into your lifestyle. For those that don’t enjoy running, why not book a few swimming sessions a week? Or, start some yoga as a way of stretching your body and connecting with it. There are many different types of exercise options out there and the most simple of all, walking, is something you can make a point of doing every day. Exercise is fundamental for keeping you at a healthy weight and for maintaining heart health too which all contribute to ageing. 

2. NAD+ infusions 

NAD+ infusions are an excellent way to ensure that your body gets the regular supply of vitamins and good stuff it needs. Infusions are a great way of quickly and efficiently providing your body a boost and they are proven to contribute to positive overall health. NAD, also known as the ‘miracle molecule’ aids energy production across all of the cells in your body and will undoubtedly support anti-ageing. 

3. Cut out bad habits 

Bad habits that contribute to ageing include smoking and alcohol, which while pleasurable, don’t do your body any favours. Drinking excessively will cause damage to your liver and may even contribute to weight gain – especially if you’re a 40-something-year-old man. Likewise, smoking harms your lungs, heart health, and causes ageing in terms of your skin’s condition. We recommend cutting out any such habits to help keep your body in optimal health and to maintain elasticity in the skin. 

4. Look after your skin! 

Sadly, our skin ages, and there’s not a great deal we can do about it. However, by following a good daily skincare regime you can help prevent excessive wrinkle development and sagging. There are many amazing products out there with active ingredients such as collagen, green tea, glycocholic acid, and hyaluronic acid. By using an anti-ageing moisturiser each day you’ll be giving your skin better chances of remaining youthful. 

5. Eat well 

As the saying goes – ‘you are what you eat’. When you nourish your body with good foods packed full of nutrients and vitamins, you’ll be providing it with the fuel it needs to keep strong and healthy. Every part of your body relies on receiving the right nutrients in order to function as it should. From brain health to your joints, read up on what you should be eating and why! 


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