
Alcohol Detox With IV Therapy: How It Works

With high pressure work, business meetings left right and centre, and the accumulation of daily stresses, it can be all too easy to find yourself drinking more than is healthy. The Christmas period especially is filled with over indulgence and excess, so if you’re looking to start 2021 with a clearer mind and body, an alcohol detox could be just the thing you need to start the new year the best version of yourself you can be.

Alcohol and Vitamin B

Did you know that those who drink too much alcohol usually have a lack of vitamin B in the body? This is usually due to a poor diet and frequently missed meals/liquid meals, but also because alcohol stops your body absorbing vitamin B.

B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. And as the building blocks of a healthy body, B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism. Vitamin B combinations also help prevent infections and helps support or promote: cell health

So what does this have to do with NAD+? Well, NAD+ is part of the Vitamin B family.  NAD+ levels decline with age and are also reduced in conditions associated with oxidative stress as occurs with hypertension, diabetes, obesity and unhealthy lifestyles such as over consumption of alcohol and fast foods.

The effects of alcohol and alcohol detox on the body

Alcohol addiction or even just long-term alcohol consumption causes neurotoxins to build up in the brain and depletes your NAD+ levels, leaving you with a lack of mental clarity and functionality. Kicking the habit will leave you feeling like a brand new person, but before you come out the otherside, you have to go through the process of detoxing which brings with it some unpleasant side effects.

Alcohol increases the effects of GABA, a neurotransmitter responsible for creating feelings of calm and euphoria. At the same time, it also decreases glutamate, another neurotransmitter that creates excitability.

Heavy drinking makes it more difficult to increase GABA and decrease glutamate, so you drink more to get the same feeling. And over time your body becomes used to these changes and responds by producing more glutamate and less GABA.

When you stop drinking, the impact on these two neurotransmitters is also stopped, but your body continues to over produce glutamate and underproduce GABA which can result in you feeling anxious, restless, and shaky. But this is where we come in.

How our IV drip hydration therapy helps

Our alcohol detox IV drip hydration therapy is designed to help you get through your alcohol detox and overcome your addiction by helping you:

  • Curb the cravings
  • Walk through the withdrawal
  • Double-down on the detox

90% of our clients say our IV detox therapy reduced their cravings and lessened their withdrawal symptoms.

By adding NAD+ to your alcohol detox IV therapy infusion, we can help negate the effects of glutamate and leave you feeling less stressed and less anxious as you go through withdrawal. As well as NAD+, we also give you high potency pabrinex, glutathione and vitamins B & C to really kick start your immune system and get your energy levels up.

Benefits of our alcohol detox IV hydration therapy

Undertaking our detox program will offer you:

  • Elimination of physical cravings
  • Better mental clarity and focus
  • Cardiovascular and liver health
  • Stress relief and neuroprotection


Ready to start life as the new you?

Deciding to detox from alcohol is an important decision and this is reflected in the standard of care and the treatment we offer. Our team of doctors have pioneered our detox program, perfecting it over the last 30 years. We offer both in-patient and out-patient treatment to suit your lifestyle and to make the process as smooth as possible for you.

Find out more about our alcohol detox and make an appointment today.


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