Health, Lifestyle, Wellness

3 ways to help you & your family stay well

Family Stay Well

With covid-19, the flu-like coronavirus, causing worldwide gridlock, there’s never been a better time to think about staying well and keeping your immune system as protected and powerful as it can be. With statistics categorising up to 20% of covid-19 hospital cases as ‘’severe’’ and some locales seeing a death rate as high as 3.4%, it’s understandable that you and others may be feeling vulnerable – especially those with underlying health conditions and advancing age.

At NADclinic, we think mental and physical optimisation can help each and every one of us be their best self. And in cases like this – a global pandemic – it pays to be as prepared as possible. In this post, we’ll share ways we believe could help you and your family stay well, which in turn could help during this coronavirus outbreak.

Look out for one another

It sounds obvious enough, but keeping an eye on your nearest and dearest is one of the best things you can do when it comes to their health. It could be as simple as visiting or calling now and then – because you’ll likely spot changes to their health, such as a developing cough or tired complexion, that they themselves may miss.

Of course, the covid-19 global pandemic has made isolation necessary, but if you live with your family members, you’re well-placed to note anything of concern.

Stay on top of hygiene

The way you live can have an impact on your health and immunity, so ensure hand-washing and cleaning is being done properly by all family members – from the oldest to the littlest. In addition, using sanitiser could, in theory, save a life.

Boost your immunity

Some viruses, such as the coronavirus covid-19, don’t yet have a cure and a vaccine is still being worked on. In these unprecedented times, it’s more important than ever to take steps to build up immunity. Some of our suggestions are:

  • Ensuring adequate sleep – at least 8 hours each night
  • Exercising little and often
  • Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

The last point here, on vitamins and minerals, is something we’re well-placed to help with, here at NADclinic. We can offer a range of immune system boosters, from immunity IV drips to immunity injections, which combine the power of the NAD+ molecule with essential vitamins to help you and your family.

Top immune system boosters

Our main type of immunity treatment is our range of immunity IV drips. From the energy-boosting NAD+ Super Vitamin Immune Booster IV Infusion, which could help protect against seasonal viruses, to our fatigue-busting NAD+ High-Dose Vitamin C IV Infusion Program, which can both reduce oxidative stress and enhance nervous system functionality, your body isn’t alone in the fight against infection. 

Of course, focusing on things that could negatively affect your immune system – such as tiredness and stress – can also help. For those, we recommend our detoxing NAD+ Glutathione Push Injection, which boosts sleep, focus and clarity; and our energy-increasing NAD+ Anti-Fatigue IV Infusion, shown to improve sleep quality and both memory and cognitive function.

Why choose NADclinic?

There are so many reasons to choose us:

  • Potent NAD+ treatments – NAD+ is linked to cell regeneration and energy production, amongst others
  • Concierge service – in isolating times, like during this global pandemic, we can bring treatments to you
  • Group discount – when looking to treat you and your family members, we can offer generous discounts, helping keep the family safe for less


To find out more about our immunity IV drips and immune system boosters, get in touch here with our expert team today.


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